Currency | Banking | Tax planning | Investments | Pensions | Insurances | Mortgages | Accountancy | Tax returns | Tax status and domicile
Balancingthe booksbuildinginvestmentsand managingtaxes
Included with your membership is year-round access to preferential foreign currency exchange rates.
Whether you are looking at how or where to invest while overseas, how to pay into your pension, or the impact of new tax rules for expat landlords, or banks changing their policy on international account holders, we can connect you with the professionals who can guide you.
If you’re planning ahead, we can facilitate an independent review of any or all of your investments, loans and mortgages, addressing the tax and legal position based on your individual circumstances. As no individual professional can give you all the answers, a holistic approach can help ensure you get a balanced pictures of all the implications and your options going forward.
Our connections can also help you handle any other matters arising day-to-day, from checking documents before submission to HMRC, through full accounting and tax reporting, to foreign currency transactions.
COVID tax trapped in UK?
If you are usually non-resident in the UK but found yourself unable to leave following a visit because of COVID-19, you can ask HMRC for a tax break on any income earned…
Getting UK documents legalised for use overseas
When you are planning on living or working overseas, you may be asked to provide legalised copies of documents to confirm your identity, education or professional…