Driving loyalty and enhancing employee wellbeing
The benefits of Life Porters membership can be used to support employee engagement – a crucial driver of business growth. Offering membership can reward and incentivise, encouraging loyalty and advocacy, while also tackling assignment failure due to family issues.
employee engagement
We all know that encouraging and engaging employees pays off with improved performance. When you provide Life Porters membership, it can also help everyone to keep their eye on the ball during working hours, while offloading the stresses of managing personal lives, whether at home or abroad. The outcome is a feel-good factor that pays off at both individual and organisational level.
Research shows that companies with highly engaged employees deliver higher client satisfaction and productivity levels which results in better performance across the board. Studies point to such companies achieving significant growth compared to their less engaged competitors, even quadrupling revenue or doubling profit.
Figs: Gallup; Hay Group
Choose membership and start rewarding your staff – whether to incentivise individuals or as part of your employee benefit package – and let us drive up the feelgood factor.
Host specialist sessions and webinars from Life Porters, choosing from a range of topics designed to help employees manage their lives and tackle concerns.
Host a Life Porters surgery, with a Personal Porter visiting and handling staff needs in person or virtually, whether weekly, monthly, or as a one-off to kick start your staff reward membership.
Have a Life Porters package made to measure, incorporating the essential elements to suit your organisation.
portering reflections

“Overseas assignment failure because of family issues has a cost for both the company and the employee. Providing access to services such as expert relationship counselling or care for a parent at home in the UK, allows us to demonstrate real support for the personal wellbeing of our expat employees – and that shows through to the bottom line.”

“It’s a no-brainer once you add up the number of previously lost hours being reclaimed by staff, which we can see through an anonymised reporting process. And the benefit goes beyond simply recouping the time that would otherwise be spent dealing with personal issues during work hours, as it often consumes emotional energy way beyond the task itself.”

“The career counselling has had unexpected results, helping us to understand employee aspirations or identify frustrations. We find staff are more open to discussing with an independent professional who can help them unpack things and see how to articulate it internally, where previously they may have just held it in and moved on, or given up and left.”